USDA 1980
These are the student responses from the 1980 program. You can find the PDF in the library section of the exhibit. The page numbers will point you to the proper page on the PDF.
Has the program provided the type of learning experience you expected?
- “Yes”(p. 29)
- “It was much better than I expected.” (p. 29)
- “Yes” (p.31)
What was the most significant learning experience you had?
- “Learning what kind of work a scientist does.” (p. 26)
- “Use of the laboratory equipment. I found it to be challenging learning how they all worked.”
- “The lab and the reading I had to do before proceeding with the actual project.” (p. 31)
Did you feel that the area in which you worked was the best one for your particular case?
- “I could not have worked in the field like (name omitted), or worked with cows like (name omitted). I like working in the lab.” (p. 27)
- “Yes. My professor and I were the perfect match. We got along well and the lab was very nice and casual.” (p. 30)
- “Yes. On terms of my interest, Food Science was about the best science I could have worked in. Even the atmosphere was great. I enjoyed working with grad students and professors.” (p. 32)
One of the basic reasons (objectives for the conduct of this program was to acquaint you with some of the research that is being conducted in the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Have your ideas about research in the agricultural and biological sciences changed since you have been a part of the program?
- “I learned quite a bit about research and what a scientist…” (p. 27)
- “Very well. I learned more on the subject of genetic research than I learned in most of my whole year science courses.” (p. 30)
- “Quite well.” (p. 32)
- “Before coming to State this summer, I had a very small idea of the research - and the importance of it - going on here. In my lab alone, there are two areas of research going on that will be of great value to farmers. Others in the lab are working on research, that will make important contributions to microbiology.” (p. 33)
If you have not made a career (academic) choice, would you now have any interest in the agricultural sciences as a career? Please explain.
- “I really do not know whether or not I would have chosen Biochemistry as a career prior to my participation in this program.” (p. 27)
- “Maybe. I might, but I think I would have to be exposed to it longer.” (p. 30)
- “Yes. I like the Food Science area anyway. But because of an ROTC Scholarship I had to choose a technical field.” (p. 31)
- “If I had not made my career choice prior to my participation in this program, I probably would consider a career in Agricultural Sciences. I have gained so much insight into the agricultural sciences since my participation in the program. I now realize how important the agricultural sciences are to so many people.” (p. 31)
Did your research supervisor give you the guidance and supervision you thought you should have had?
- “I really did enjoy working with Dr. Armstrong and the other people in the lab.” (p. 27)
Strong points of the program:
- “Learning experience” (p.27)
- “I liked the college atmosphere, the work was very interesting, I liked the other students in the program.”
- “The great lab facilities and the college atmosphere” (p. 32)
Weak points of the Program:
- “Expense of food” (p.28)