"Students get space in shop," January 9, 1974


"Students get space in shop," January 9, 1974


In this January 9, 1974 Technician article by Kathie Easter, Dean of Student Affairs Banks Talley announced that the Society of Afro American Culture (SAAC) was allocated half of the first floor of the newly repurposed Print Shop. The article states that SAAC had previously been offered space in the basement of the Print Shop, an offer SAAC quickly rejected. Following this announcement, SAAC pushed for use of the entire first floor as a African American cultural center.


Kathie Easter


Kathie Easter, "Students get space in shop," Technician, January 9, 1974








The future of Harris Cafeteria and the allocations for the Print Shop have been announced.

Several offices and departments located in Peele Hall will be moved to Harris. Chancellor John Caldwell stated Dec. 7 what departments would be located in Harris Hall. These are Counseling Center, the Departments of Registration and Records, Student Development, Residence Life, and Residence Facilities.

“This includes the housing rental office now located in the basement of Leazar,” said Banks Talley, Dean of Student Affairs. “Those offices which have a lot of student traffic will be relocated to Harris which is closer to the students.”

SAAC (Society of Afro-American Culture) has been allocated the front half of the main floor of the Print Shop which includes the entrance to the building.

The remainder of the main floor will be unassigned. “The primary reason for keeping the amount of space open was so that other organizations, clubs, residence halls, ect., could use it was a meeting place or party location,” said Talley.

“This area will not be renovated,” said Dean of Residence Life John Poole. “People can be rougher on it since it will have concrete walls and floors. If a residence hall wanted to have a beer blast or something like that, this would be the perfect area.”

“SAAC has requested the whole building from the beginning,” said Talley. Before Christmas, SAAC rejected an offer of the basement of the building. Talley said that this decision was final.

Dean Poole met with representatives from SAAC January 8. “They want to discuss it with their members,” he said. “They would like the whole top floor and feel that they need it in order to carry out their programs.”

“We are now hopeful that they will meet with us in regards to how that space that has been allocated to them can best be used,” said Poole.

SAAC is one of several organizations which will have to relocate when the King Religious Center is demolished.

Poole feels that the religious organizations located in the building may be able to relocate to some extent at The Nub which is located on the first floor of the Student Center.

The basement area has yet to be allotted. “Alpha Phi Omega, the service fraternity, will be relocated there. Space might possibly go to the State Sentinel. We might have storage area for the outing club and the contact football club,” said Poole.

“State’s two sororities, Alpha Delta Phi and Sigma Kappa, are also being considered,” said Poole.

Repairwork to the roof of the Print Shop and over $10,000 of renovation are required before the building can be occupied.

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Kathie Easter, “"Students get space in shop," January 9, 1974,” The State of History, accessed March 9, 2025, https://soh.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/179.