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New Good Neighbor Council Subcommittees

Under Cyrus B. King's tutelage, the Good Neighbor Council addressed more systemic causes for racial and cultural discrimination on NCSU's campus. Most notably, the Good Neighbor Council created a subcommittee for "Institutional Racism."

Blacks Demonstrate at Capital

item 667.pdf
After four maids were fired from NC State's Physical Plant division, demonstrators gathered at the State Capital to show their support. As the protests by NC State's employees continued throughout the spring of 1969, their working conditions and…

Consolidated Student Council Votes for N.C.S. University

In this Technician article, the student souncil expresses their displease with the proposed name change to the school from "State College" to "University of North Carolina at Raleigh" in 1964.


"Understanding Bitterness"


Understanding Bitterness

By Conitsha Barnes

The unwelcome taste of bitterness is often washed away or simply covered up with various forms of mouthwash, candy or any other sweet forms of illusion. However there can be bitterness other than in…

Racism in Employment at NCSU--Patterns and Prospects

In 1971, the Good Neighbor Council's Committee on Institutional Racism produced a report outlining the evidence they found of NC State's institutional racism in its employment practices. The first four pages of the report outline the major problem…

North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts freshman class posing with agricultural machinery, 1909

This photograph depicts the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts freshman class of 1909 posting with agricultural machinery. The class is composed of all white males, which proves that NCC A&M catered to the educational advancement…

Philip Morris Scholarship Winners

This photograph depicts the winners of the Philip Morris Scholarship. Notice there are two white women recepients.

Horticulture class in greenhouse

This photograph depicts a white female and two white male students analyzing a plant in an NC State greenhouse.

Students in Horticulture Lab

This photograph depicts two students, female and male, in the horticultural lab. Female agriculture students were more common in the 1970s photographs.