Browse Items (717 total)

Rockingham County - April 27, 1940. Annie Soweor of the Ruffin 4-H Club in Rockingham County - [?] as the most outstanding club girl in the county in 1939

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In 1940, Annie Soweor earned the tiitle of "Most Outstanding Club Girl" in Rockingham County. The Extension Service employed competitions that created strong and hard working rural leaders in North Carolina.

4-H club member making biscuits

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In this photograph (ca. 1920-1929) a young 4-H Club member is depicted making bisquits.

4-H club members participating in exercises at the Davidson-Rowan 4-H Camp

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This photograph (ca. 1927) depicts 4-H club members of all ages stretching at the Davidson-Rowan 4-H camp.

African-American boy weaves seat caning onto a chair, Guilford County, North Carolina, September 1937

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A 4-H club member is photographed while weaving seat caning onto a chair in Guilford County, North Carolina in September, 1937.

Instructor teaching a group of boys about plumbing at North Carolina State 4-H Short Course, 1932

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An instructor is photographed training early and late teenage boys about plumbing during a NC State Short Course.

African American home demonstration agent demonstrating child care skills to African American girls

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In this photograph (ca. 1930), Agricultural Extension's African American division home demonstration on Childcare in North Carolina.

4-H girls preserving fruits and vegetables

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Four girls practiced canning fruits and vegetables in this photograph.


Instruction in foundation or dress patterns given to home demonstation club members on the porch of a house, 1930s.

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This photograph depicts instruction in foundation or dress patterns on the porch of a house (ca. 1930-1939.)

Timeline - 4-H club work among negro youth in North Carolina

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This is a timeline created for the golden anniversary celebration of 4-h club work in 1959 marking achievements in African American agricultural extension in North Carolina.

Biographical sketch of John D. Wray, the first african american club leader in North Carolina.

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A biographical sketch highlighting the work of John D. Wray, the first African American 4-H club leader in North Carolina.