Browse Items (717 total)

Reports of Officers, State's Mates, 1974-1975

This handwritten document contains the reports of State's Mates officers for the 1974-1975 academic year.

Reports of Officers, State's Mates, n. d.

This document contains the reports of State's Mates officers, but has no date on it. The State's Mates yearbook was discontinued this year.

State's Mates Annual Report, 1972-1973

The annual report for 1972-1973 contains reports from State's Mates officers and standing committees.

"Black Panther Convention, Lincoln Memorial"

"Photograph showing a man on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial holding a banner for the Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention; statue of Lincoln in the background."

Testimony of Dr. W.C. Riddick, December 18, 1936

In this excerpt from testimony of the Faculty Council's investigation into the practices of the football coach and athletic director at North Carolina State College, Dr. W.C. Riddick expressed his displeasure with the presence of foreign students at…

"Senior Class," Agromeck, 1937

This excerpt from the 1937 edition of the Agromeck presents photographs of the senior class.

Morrill Act, 1862


Chap. CXXX.--AN ACT Donating Public Lands to the several States and Territories which may provide Colleges for the Benefit of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in…

State's Mates in yearbook spread, 1956

This image features State's Mates in the 1956 student yearbook, The Agromeck.


State's Mates in yearbook spread, 1957

This image features State's Mates in the 1957 student yearbook, The Agromeck.


State's Mates in yearbook spread, 1958

This image features State's Mates in the 1958 student yearbook, The Agromeck.
