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Boys' club work (white)

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This report was created by C.R. Hudson and is an excerpt of a larger report on North Carolina Agricultural Extension.


Negro Boys' Club work

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This report was created by C.R. Hudson in 1919. It is a selection of the report specifically on Negro boys' club work in North Carolina.


Join the 4-H club in the food and freedom fight

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This 4-H pamphlet instructed club members on how to support the war effort by producing, conserving, and volunteering. The booklet also provided instructions on the "Feed a Fighter" program.

"Canning girls and corn club boys will make the state our pride"

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This song booklet created ca. 1918 for club members that demonstrates their commitment to their state.

1915 girls club, tomato club booklet by Peterson, Annie Laura

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This booklet was written by Annie Laura Peterson, a member of a North Carolina tomato club. Within the booklet, she reflected and described her experiences with the club.


1912 girl's club, tomato club booklet by Prapst, Beulah

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Beulah Prapst reflected on her experiences in her local tomato club in this booklet. All club members were expected to create a club journal.

Inventory of work in 1943

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This report was created in 1943 to summarize the relief efforts of home demonstration clubs in North Carolina during World War Two.

Biographical sketch of John D. Wray, the first african american club leader in North Carolina.

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A biographical sketch highlighting the work of John D. Wray, the first African American 4-H club leader in North Carolina.

Timeline - 4-H club work among negro youth in North Carolina

Timeline African American extension.pdf
This is a timeline created for the golden anniversary celebration of 4-h club work in 1959 marking achievements in African American agricultural extension in North Carolina.

Instruction in foundation or dress patterns given to home demonstation club members on the porch of a house, 1930s.

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This photograph depicts instruction in foundation or dress patterns on the porch of a house (ca. 1930-1939.)