About this Site
The State of History is a digital history site on North Carolina State University based on the materials in the Special Collections Research Center and produced by the History Department's Public History graduate program. Graduate students in History and Public History worked on projects on topics of their choosing in which they selected and digitized all primary sources, organized them into thematic collections, authored interpretive essays in exhibits, and created additional resources.
The site is funded by the History Department at North Carolina State University. It is powered by Omeka, a web-publishing platform designed for libraries, museums, archives, and scholarship.
Site Creators
Graduate students in the history and public history programs selected and digitized all primary sources in the collections and wrote all exhibits. The Site Creators exhibit presents creators' brief biographies as well as primary sources on a variety of topics that illuminate their professional biography or inspire their intellectual interest in history.
The State of History owes its existence to the assistance of many individuals at North Carolina State University and other institutions.
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