Learning Activity


1. Place the events described in the articles in chronological order. As you do, identify several major actors or groups involved in the debate.

2. What specific objectives were the Physical Plant workers seeking to accomplish?

3. How did the NC State administration respond to these requests?

4. In what ways did the SAAC show their support for the Physical Plant workers?

5. Place the debate in the larger Black Power context presented by the exhibit. Why do you think the SAAC demonstrated on behalf of the Physical Plant workers? Why do you think they viewed this issue as important to their organization?

6. Student groups from Shaw University and St. Augustine College were also involved in the protest. Do some research into black student groups and labor activism during this period. Was this a common occurrence? If so, why do you think student groups aligned themselves with such issues?

7. Whose voices are missing from these documents? What might these groups have had to say about the situation?

Visit other Exhibits in Crossing the Color Line.

Learning Activity